Follow the below steps to create windows service account in Windows 10 Machine,
1. Go to Computer Management screen.
2. Go to Local Users and Groups-->Users. And right click on right pane and seclect "New User".
3. Provide user name , password for the new account and de-select all other check box except "Password never expire". Click on Create butto.
4. You new account should be now showing in right Pane.
5. Now serach for "Local Security Policy" in start menu and click to open it.
6. Go to "Local Policies"-->User Rights Management--> Log on as a service". Double click to open it.
7.Click on add user button.
8. In the search screen search the user with the newly created account name and add it.
Now you can user this account along with any other application which need some service account like Jenkins installation.